“Latin History for Morons”

More unrepentant gushing love for my craft. I watched “Latin History for Morons” by John Leguizamo and then saw that there was a documentary so I watched that.


The play was directed by Tony Taccone, (the director of “Accidental Death of an Anarchist” by Dario Fo which gave me my first review as a designer in ’84) as well as this later thing you may have heard of called “Angels In America”.

There’s a scene where Tony describes what it’s like directing a one man show (after swearing he wouldn’t again) and knowing that Steve Spiro (UK Underdog) is a huge fan of John’s I started laughing because what Tony says is VERY much like what I heard working with Steve was like from our director, Ann Bronston. It’s really very sweet (with a loving slap) and reminded me why I so easily fall in love with the people in the shows I work on.

About TheaterPunk

I have been a practitioner of The Craft since 1973, apprenticed in 1982 San Francisco during a golden age, active professionally 1982-2005 as it gave way to DotCon gentrification & 2017-2018 in Los Angeles because theatre still matters, always will.
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